Hosts add a preference pane to your system preferences which lets you toggle your host file entries on and off, as well as add and remove them. For OS X Lion and OS X Mountain Lion, open Terminal and use the following command. Hosts is a system preference pane to manage your hosts file. Enter the information you wish to use in the hosts file. Even though the Internet has both public and private DNS servers for.
#Host file for mac os x mac os x#
Note: You will notice that in the LOCAL section you will find the hosts file from your Mac labeled as Original File. The Mac hosts file is an important text document on Mac OS X that allows the mapping of hostnames to specified IP address. To create a new hosts file click the Create button. To reset, we are going to open the hosts file in a text editor, replace the entire file with the default text and save it. The rest of the stuff is just commented out (description of the hosts file itself). The the correct changes have not occurred, it may be needed to clear the DNS cache. Software/Hardware used: Gas Mask 0.5 running on Mac OS 10.6. On a Mac, the hosts file mostly contains nothing more than a couple of lines of active code. Now open a Web browser to test the changes.
#Host file for mac os x password#
Choose “Replace” and then enter the administrative user password to authenticate the transfer.

Or you want to move site from old hosting to new hosting but dont want your site down. For example, you are testing your sites before public it. For the new settings to take effect you will have to flush your DNS. You will now return to the main Terminal prompt. Then exit the hosts file in Terminal by pressing Ctrl-x. This will bring up a prompt for the file name to write to: 7. You can find it by going in to your LaunchPad and starting to type terminal and hit enter to launch it, or going to your applications folder, and then to your utilities folder, and it will be in there too. Sometime, you’d want to use the Hosts file instead of just letting DNS do its thing. To save the hosts file after editing the entries, press Ctrl-o. If the Finder window is closed, use the Finder > Go > Go to Folder command, to reopen it.Īfter the hosts file has been dropped to its original location, OS X will ask you what to do about the unmodified hosts file that’s already there. Start Terminal on Your Mac In order to change your hosts file on Mac OS X, you need to use the Terminal app. Then, drag and drop the hosts file from your Desktop back to its original location at /private/etc. Open Terminal and type the following command, replacing “with the website of your choice: ping After the changes have been made to the host files on Mac, save it in its current location on the Desktop. Another method is to type the IP address of a valid site instead of To find a website’s IP address, you can “ping” the site via Terminal. 1.) Open the Terminal by either by clicking on Applications, then Utilities and then Terminal, or by pressing Cmd-Spacebar to open Spotlight, typing Terminal and pressing Return(enter).